Connecting People and Technologies for the Next Level
Take your career to the next level with us

Current job offers phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals and life science

Diverse career paths

Our types of contract

Temporary employment or works and service contract? Freelancer or personnel placement? In a branch, engineering office or at the customer's site? Learn more about the career paths available to you with FERCHAU!

Types of contract

Remuneration & additional benefits

Your salary

We have summarised all the key information relating to your salary and the Federal Employers’ Association of Personnel Service Providers (BAP) collective salary agreement. Find out about our attractive additional perks and benefits as well.

Collective wage agreement & salary

Everything you need to know at a glance

Ques­tions and answers

Would you like to know how we organise the application process, how long a project lasts or where you might be working? We have compiled a list of relevant questions relating to your application and your work at FERCHAU.


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