Innovative, by tradition
Schweinfurt has always been home to bright minds. Numerous technical milestones were designed and developed here. The innovation of local companies continues to date, especially in the fields of e-mobility, medical technology and the growing field of IT in mechanical engineering and our FERCHAU Schweinfurt branch has played a key role in this.
Lower Franconia, with its strong and diverse economy, offers excellent prospects for our IT and engineering specialists. Companies from a wide range of industries are based here and the areas of activity are accordingly diverse. Our engineering specialists support our customers in every project phase, from brainstorming to the finished product. Industries of focus include mechanical and custom engineering, electrical engineering, the car industry and medical technology. We are also becoming more and more involved in renewable energies and hybrid technologies. The projects are diverse: from development and design to propulsion technology and power electronics, as well as testing and experimentation, to name but a few.
In Schweinfurt, more future means more IT
Information technology is becoming an ever more important part of our work. That’s why we continue to expand. Our IT specialists help our customers sustainably optimise their products and processes and prepare themselves for the digital future to the best of their ability. Our activities include, among other things, hardware-related software development and classic software development. We develop modern applications, stable architectures and cost-effective operating models.
In addition to challenging work at exciting companies, our IT and engineering specialists value the open communication and fair treatment at our FERCHAU Schweinfurt branch. That’s because we believe that a productive spirit of innovation is based not least on a positive corporate culture.